© 2005 Rainer von Königslöw

-- Access may be restricted to family for some content. --

Welcome to Konigslow.com

Members of the von Königslöw family live in many different parts of the world, and work in a wide variety of professions.


Konigslow.com is a space for friends and family to host their personal and professional content, as well as stay connected with each other.


It's also a place to discuss family history, including a family tree.


Name Contact Personal information Professional information
Rainer von Königslöw drrainer@gmail.com personal vita, gallery knowledge engineering
Andrea Wayne-von Königslöw andreawvk@gmail.com author & illustrator
Alexis von Königslöw alexismaru@gmail.com vita
Taika von Königslöw tvonkoni@uoguelph.ca vita, Poster, Presentation
Kier von Königslöw kvonkonigslow@gmail.com vita
Renate von Königslöw, nee Blunck & Erich von Königslöw von Königslöw - Blunck Renate: Quaker memorial & father